22 March 2010 Monday
- Phocus Software
- Version 2.6 Lightroom will work with the files (.3FR) but no auto aberration control in LR
- 3FR - filename extension
Kelly Tunney - Weddings
24 March 2010 Wednesday
- $4000 +
- 52 weddings/year
- Asks clients, 'what did you like about the slideshow?'
- pricing - leave until last
- $700-$1000 deposit to secure date, non refundable
-must be paid in full 2 weeks before
- winter strategy - offer to future wedded clients to do a pre-wedding shoot
- 40 hours total per wedding
Ben Kopilov @ Fusion Photography
31 March 2010 Wednesday
- show them albums as opposed to screen
- ''minimum is 5k, most clients spend between 5-8k''
-50% of weds hire professional photographers
- lollies, scissors, ties, helps with ironing