Thursday, March 25, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
6/ Annotated Bibliography
Banks, T 2009, Australia’s next top model, Surfthechannel, viewed March 01 2010, < http://www.megavideo.com/?v=0MPKUF8E>
This series is a great resource in gaining insight into the fashion photography industry and gaining familiarity with the photographers, fashion designers, stylists, lighting and styles of fashion and the production of fashion photographs from the time of preparation to the final printed image. It is also a primary source of evidence in that the viewer can witness professionals in the industry assess photographic work and discuss the strong and weak factors of a number of photographs produced for the fashion industry.
Dove Evolution, c2007, Dove Evolution, viewed 15 March 2010, [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYhCn0jf46U]
This video visually demonstrates the process of how a fashion photograph may be created, from the time that the image is captured to the output of the image. It shows how styling, lighting, props play a part in the final product of the image but more importantly it shows the extent to which some photographs are edited in post production, to the point where even the model’s features and proportions are altered. The video demonstrates that our perception of beauty as a society can be distorted as a result of the fashion photography industry.
In this article Evans touches on the history of fashion photography in the past few decades and how the style of fashion photography has evolved. It outlines various approaches to the fashion photograph and uses British photographer Tim Walker as an example to discuss contemporary approaches and characteristics.
This book contains a collection of images from a vast number of famous photographers including Helmut Newton and Richard Avedon. Not only is it a good source of fashion photographers, which can be further, researched, but most of the photographs are shot in film so the photographs can be viewed in terms of historical factors and technicality.
Newton, J Helmut by June, Canal Plus Byzance Productions, viewed 15 March 2010, < http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9wkCLkVWcI>.
This series is a primary resource in researching the work of famous fashion photographer Helmut Newton. The film is narrated by Newton’s wife June, and includes statements from Newton himself as well as footage of Newton’s shoots and how he directs, lights and photographs the models.
Recher, U c2009, Light Architecture, Prima Imaging, Switzerland.
This book demonstrates the characteristics of a number of different light sources as well as a number of lighting setups in which fashion can be photographed. It is a technical aid for producing different lighting setups and how these can be achieved.
Wintour, Anna 2010, Vogue, February 2010, pp. 1-222.
Vogue’s February issue is important to review, as it is an example of modern fashion photography. It serves as a guide of what is being published, and the trends in both fashion and photography including lighting, editing, composition, posing and props.