I have been asked to create '5 modern location photographs in the style of famous fashion photographer Helmet Newton'.
Newton's work can be described as narrative, provocative and, in his own words 'does not necessarily look like a fashion photograph.... a photograph that looks like it's out of a movie'.[1] With all this in mind I aimed to photograph a scene where a male's attention has been taken away from his car. I aimed to modernise Newton's style to the style of 2010.
[1] Source: Newton, J Helmut by June, Canal Plus Byzance Productions, viewed 15 March 2010, [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9wkCLkVWcI&feature=related].
If I use this shot above I will re-shoot lighting the model from a different angle so that her feet are actually lit - I had about 5 minutes to shoot these so I couldn't perfect it like I usually would have when I was there:( She was lit through the window and its the bottom of the window that cut off the light.

In this shoot I aimed to produce images which tell a story. My theme was 'waiting', I aimed for soft lighting and a semi-old fashioned and feministic look.
"Choose a product type and research existing advertising material, particularly that which follows a particular advertising campaign strategy and produce 4 different location shots with people/actors/models that individually tell a story. There should be a consistent strategy applied to the 4 photographs''
Product: Deoderant
Image 1:
I was aiming for harsh and moody light in this one, a cold sort of feel and a determined expression. Is it too harsh?
The power pack (even when it was plugged in to the wall) was dying, it gave me about 10 shots. So I plan to shoot this again anyway and maybe shoot it vertically (although I did try this and the composition worked better landscape... but if it were to go in a magazine it would have to be vertical, unless I added extra negative space on one side and made it a double page spread).
The text/product aren't perfect on the RHS I just wanted to see what it would look like.
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